Trademark Search
Before adopting a trademark, a trademark search is highly recommended, as this will give an indication of any existing trademarks which have been applied for/or registered in the Trademarks Registry.
L.R.SWAMI CO. provides trademark search services in India, assisting clients in the selection of brand names and ascertaining whether any identical or similar trademarks are already existing in the records of the Trade Mark Registry.
The cost of conducting a trademark search is quite insignificant in comparison to the efforts and costs involved in rebranding due to infringement of others rights.
Therefore, a trademark availability search is highly advisable before huge amounts of money and time are invested in a trademark and the guidance of an experienced trademark attorney are extremely worthwhile.
In order to conduct a trademark search, kindly provide us with the following simple information:
i) Trademark to be searched
ii) Goods/Services in respect of which the trademark is to be searched
The trademark search results are reported within 1 or 2 business days.